
Physician Education

If you need to complete your education requirement, it can be satisfied in several ways: 

Live Events: Proctorship, Preceptorship, BPH Summits* and Roundtables*

Online Training Events:  

UroLift University **on-line modules.
Teleflex sponsored Doc Matter webinars.
Teleflex Clinical Affairs webinars. Please reach out to your Urology Consultant for upcoming webinars.

*Note: For virtual BPH Summit and Roundtable events, you must be logged in for at least 90% of the event to receive credit.

** Excluding the UroLift Proficiency Pathway module and only modules labeled with COE banner count for COE.


For any questions, please contact us at
*UroLift® System Patient Ambassadors share their personal experience – they do not provide medical advice. Individual results may vary.

Log In

To log-in to view your dashboard, please enter your email and password.

Reset Password

Please enter your email address. You will receive an email message with instructions on how to reset your password.

Designation Requested

Thank you for submitting for COE designation.

Your application is currently under review. You will receive an email when you are approved for access.

Application Submitted

Thank you for submitting your application for the UroLift® System Physician Locator and/or Center of Excellence program.

Your application is currently under review. You will receive an email when you are approved for the UroLift® System Physician Locator and/or the Center of Excellence program. We should be getting back to you within 5 business days. Once you are accepted and can log into the dashboard, you are active in the Physician Locator and/or Center of Excellence program.

Should you have any questions until then, please feel free to contact us at

Thank you

Registration Submitted

Thank you for applying for the UroLift® System Physician Gateway. 

If you are a new physician, your account is currently under review. You will receive an email when you are approved for access. We should be getting back to you within 5 business days.

Should you have any questions until then, please feel free to contact us at


An account is already registered with your email address. Please log in.

Access the UroLift Physician Gateway